Design logo, business cards and info brochure for cleaning company
Детский сад "Солнышко" (Russia)
Design info brochure for kindergarten
DaxiTravel (Russia)
Design business cards for travel company
Horizon Advisory Group (Australia)
Design info brochure about real estate for Horizon Advisory Group
E-book "How to use a Unit Trust to create wealth"
Design multi page e-book for Equity Gain Pty Ltd (Австралия)
Equity Gain Pty Ltd (Australia)
Design standing ad banner for Equity Gain Pty Ltd
All types of graphic design and branding for "VIHOTAR"
Full graphic design escort for IT company "Vihotar" (India)
Визуализация визиток
Дизайн визиток, подготовка макета к печати
Варианты Логотипа
Заказчик предоставил растровое изображение с логотипом (верхний левый), провела векторизацию и доработку по требованию клиента. А также предоставила варианты видоизменения логотипа. Нижний правый вариант стал окончательным.
Website for money landing and crypto investment firm (Australia, Indonesia): 5 page website, contains main landing page and several secondary pages. I used HTML-template and filled it with content and customized it for unique company style with HTML and CSS coding. Icon, info-graphic creation and photo edition are included in web-design.